Title: Two of Them Author: Kyo-chan Series: Whichever ^_^ Disclaimer: Arakawa's, not mine. Characters: Riza, Hayate Word Count: 472 Warning: Totally PG Notes: I had this on the brain all week, pretty much the moment this prompt was announced. Glad I was able to make it in time.
Title: Prompt 144, Pet, "Going to the Dogs" Author: likeadeuce Series: Manga/FMA-Brotherhood Word count: 500 Rating: T Characters: Roy/Riza, Black Hayate Summary: Fluff! (Literally)
Title: Just a Dog Author: gretchen8642 series: any Rating: PG13 Characters/Pairing: Riza, Hayate, Roy Word Count: 494 Summary: he's a hero through and through Author’s Note: thinking about my dead dog again weee
Title: The Flap Author: Acacia Onna Stik Series: any Word Count: 308 Rating: PG Characters: Edward and Alphonse Elric Summary: Al wants some special modifications. Warnings: none Notes: Apparently all my writing is done at four AM.
Title: Ed vs. Cat Author: kirathaune Series: All Word Count: 500 Rating: PG Characters: Ed & Al Summary: Ed brings home a surprise for his brother Disclaimer: Don't own them, if I did I would make Ed drink his milk. Warnings: none Prompt: #144, Pets
Title: Mad Dogs and Amestrians Author: evil_little_dog Series: Any Word Count: 500 Rating: K+ Characters: Marcoh, Fullmetal, Winry Summary: Marcoh doesn’t like Winry’s new ‘pet’. Warnings: Chimera A.U. Disclaimer: Arakawa might be horrified by the things I do to her characters. fma_fic_contest prompt: Pets